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View downloadGitHubRelease on File Exchange

A function which allows you to easily download MATLAB toolbox releases from GitHub repositories using the GitHub REST API v3

The function specifically looks for assets with the file extension “.mltbx” to download.


Simply copy-paste the downloadGitHubRelease.m into a MATLAB function in your workspace, and you can use this tool.


If you wish to download a toolbox file from a GitHub repository called REPO owned by someone with the username USERNAME, you can use

downloadGitHubRelease ( 'USERNAME/REPO' )
downloadGitHubRelease ( 'USERNAME/REPO', 'version_id_OR_latest' )
downloadGitHubRelease ( 'USERNAME/REPO', 'version_id_OR_latest', 'token', PERSONAL_ACESS_TOKEN, 'install', true/false, 'overwrite', true/false )


Three name-value pairs exist as optional additional arguments:


downloadGitHubRelease ( 'harleyday/logicleTransform.m' );
We'll get the latest release
Downloading version latest.
Completed download.

downloadGitHubRelease ( 'harleyday/logicleTransform.m', 'v1.0', 'overwrite', true );
Overwriting logicleTransform.m.mltbx already in this directory.
Downloading version v1.0.
Completed download.

downloadGitHubRelease ( 'harleyday/logicleTransform.m', 'install', true );
We'll get the latest release
Downloading version latest.
Completed download.
Installing the toolbox...
       Name: 'logicleTransform'
    Version: '1.3'
       Guid: 'f502930c-83bc-4a63-afac-628ea66d61ec'